2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Ice Scripts Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Ice Scripts Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Trilogy Ice Scripts
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
IS-HA HavlatMartin Havlat 0 0
IS-GP PerreaultGilbert Perreault 0 0
IS-MM ModanoMike Modano 0 0
IS-GH HoweGordie Howe 0 1
IS-MF FleuryMarc-Andre Fleury 0 0
IS-DB BriereDaniel Briere 0 0
IS-RS SmythRyan Smyth 0 0
IS-MH HejdukMilan Hejduk 0 0
IS-IK KovalchukIlya Kovalchuk 0 0
IS-WG GretzkyWayne Gretzky 0 1
IS-MB BrodeurMartin Brodeur 0 1
IS-HO HossaMarian Hossa 0 0
IS-BO BossyMike Bossy 0 1