2002 Upper Deck Authentics Glory Bound Jersey Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2002 Upper Deck Authentics Glory Bound Jersey Football Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Authentics Glory Bound Jersey
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GBJJM McCownJosh McCown (Gold) 0 0
GBJJR ReedJosh Reed 0 0
GBJMM MorrisMaurice Morris 0 0
GBJPR RamseyPatrick Ramsey 0 0
GBJAL LelieAshley Lelie 0 0
GBJRD DaveyRohan Davey 0 0
GBJDC CarrDavid Carr 0 0
GBJTD DuckettT.J. Duckett 0 0
GBJDS StallworthDonte' Stallworth (Gold) 0 0
GBJWG GreenWilliam Green 0 0
GBJJG GaffneyJabar Gaffney (Gold) 0 0
GBJJH HarringtonJoey Harrington (Gold) 0 0
GBJJP PeppersJulius Peppers 0 1
GBJJW WalkerJavon Walker 0 0
GBJMM MorrisMaurice Morris (Gold) 0 0
GBJPR RamseyPatrick Ramsey (Gold) 0 0
GBJCP PortisClinton Portis 0 0
GBJRW WilliamsRoy Williams 0 0
GBJDF FosterDeShaun Foster 0 0
GBJTS StephensTravis Stephens 0 0
GBJJG GaffneyJabar Gaffney 0 0
GBJJH HarringtonJoey Harrington 0 0