2002 Donruss Elite Pass the Torch Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2002 Donruss Elite Pass the Torch Football Card Set

Set Name:
Donruss Elite Pass the Torch
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Autograph, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
PT-5 FoutsDan Fouts 0 1
PT-17 ThomasThurman Thomas/Travis Henry 0 2
PT-9 YoungSteve Young 0 1
PT-15 RiceJerry Rice (Autograph) 0 1
PT-19 FoutsDan Fouts/Drew Brees 0 2
PT-21 GarciaJeff Garcia/Steve Young (Autograph) 0 2
PT-24 RiceJerry Rice/Terrell Owens 0 2
PT-24 RiceJerry Rice/Terrell Owens (Autograph) 0 2
PT-14 BennettMichael Bennett 0 0
PT-6 BreesDrew Brees 0 0
PT-15 RiceJerry Rice 0 1
PT-18 ThomasAnthony Thomas/Gale Sayers 0 2
PT-21 GarciaJeff Garcia/Steve Young 0 2
PT-22 WattersRicky Watters/Stephen Alexander 0 0
PT-6 BreesDrew Brees (Autograph) 1 0