2022 Panini Mosaic Rookie Scripts Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Panini Mosaic Rookie Scripts Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Mosaic Rookie Scripts
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Green Ice, Genesis, Gold

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RSSOC SochanJeremy Sochan (Genisis) 0 0
RSMUR MurrayKeegan Murray (Green Ice) 0 0
RSAJG GreenA.J. Green 0 0
RSMAR MartinTyrese Martin 0 0
RSSPJ Pippen Jr.Scotty Pippen Jr. (Genesis) 0 0
RSBOE BoeheimBuddy Boeheim 0 0
RSMAT MathurinBennedict Mathurin (Genesis) 0 0
RSDAY DaysDarius Days (Gold) 0 0
RSKEN BrownKendall Brown 0 0
RSBAN BancheroPaolo Banchero (Gold) 0 0
RSMUR MurrayKeegan Murray 0 0
RSJAL DurenJalen Duren (Green Ice) 0 0
RSBRA BranhamMalaki Branham (Green Ice) 0 0
RSSEA SeabronDereon Seabron 0 0
RSBEA BeauchampMarjon Beauchamp (Genesis) 0 0
RSJOV JovicNikola Jovic (Gold) 0 0
RSIVE IveyJaden Ivey (Green Ice) 0 0
RSSST SharpeShaedon Sharpe 0 0
RSHAR HarrisKevon Harris (Green Ice) 0 0
RSJSJ Smith Jr.Jabari Smith Jr. (Genesis) 0 0
RSWIL WilliamsJalen Williams (Green Ice) 0 0
RSJOV JovicNikola Jovic (Green Ice) 0 0
RSSWI SwiderCole Swider 0 0
RSJUL ChampagnieJulian Champagnie 0 0
RSKEE KeelsTrevor Keels 0 0
RSSST SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Gold) 0 0
RSJUZ JuzangJohnny Juzang 0 0
RSMAT MathurinBennedict Mathurin (Gold) 0 0
RSKES KesslerWalker Kessler (Genesis) 0 0
RSAGB AgbajiOchai Agbaji 0 0
RSKES KesslerWalker Kessler (Gold) 0 0
RSSOC SochanJeremy Sochan (Green Ice) 0 0
RSAJG GreenA.J. Green (Green Ice) 0 0
RSBAN BancheroPaolo Banchero (Green Ice) 0 0
RSMAT MathurinBennedict Mathurin 0 0
RSSST SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Genesis) 0 0
RSDAY DaysDarius Days 0 0
RSMIN MinottJosh Minott 0 0
RSGOO GoodwinJordan Goodwin 0 0
RSBAN BancheroPaolo Banchero 0 0
RSROL RollinsRyan Rollins 0 0
RSBAR BarlowDominick Barlow (Genisis) 0 0
RSJOV JovicNikola Jovic (Genesis) 0 0
RSFON FontecchioSimone Fontecchio 0 0
RSSPJ Pippen Jr.Scotty Pippen Jr. 0 0
RSCAI CainJamal Cain 0 0
RSJSJ Smith Jr.Jabari Smith Jr. 0 0
RSWIL WilliamsJalen Williams 0 0
RSJAL DurenJalen Duren 0 0
RSSST SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Green Ice) 0 0
RSJSJ Smith Jr.Jabari Smith Jr. (Green Ice) 0 0
RSWIL WilliamsJalen Williams (Genesis) 0 0
RSJSJ Smith Jr.Jabari Smith Jr. (Gold) 0 0
RSWIL WilliamsJaylin Williams 0 0
RSJUL ChampagnieJulian Champagnie (Genisis) 0 0
RSMAR MartinTyrese Martin (Genesis) 0 0
RSBAN BancheroPaolo Banchero (Genesis) 1 0
RSKES KesslerWalker Kessler 0 0