2022 Panini Immaculate Collection Collegiate Premium Patches Rookie Autographs Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Panini Immaculate Collection Collegiate Premium Patches Rookie Autographs Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Immaculate Collection Collegiate Premium Patches Rookie Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Red, Brand Logo, Gold, Conference Logo

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
PPJIV IveyJaden Ivey (Red) 0 0
PPSSH SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Laundry Tag) 0 0
PPCBR BraunChristian Braun (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPJSM Smith Jr.Jabari Smith Jr. (Gold) 0 0
PPWE WesleyBlake Wesley 0 0
PPKEL EllisKeon Ellis 0 0
PPKCH ChandlerKennedy Chandler 0 0
PPCHO HolmgrenChet Holmgren (Red) 0 0 Buy
PPEJL LiddellE.J. Liddell (Gold) 0 0
PPKEL EllisKeon Ellis (Red) 0 0
PPKBR BrownKendall Brown (Red) 0 0
PPJDA DavisJohnny Davis 0 0
PPMBE BeauchampMarjon Beauchamp 0 0
PPKMU MurrayKeegan Murray (Red) 0 0
PPBMA MathurinBennedict Mathurin (Red) 0 0
PPOAG AgbajiOchai Agbaji 0 0
PPCBR BraunChristian Braun (Red) 0 0
PPSSH SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Gold) 0 0
PPJDU DurenJalen Duren (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPMBE BeauchampMarjon Beauchamp (Red) 0 0
PPWKE KesslerWalker Kessler 0 0
PPJIV IveyJaden Ivey (Gold) 0 0
PPMW1 WilliamsMark Williams (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPCHO HolmgrenChet Holmgren (Gold) 0 0
PPJJU JuzangJohnny Juzang (Red) 0 0
PPSSH SharpeShaedon Sharpe (Red) 0 0
PPTEA EasonTari Eason 0 0
PPJWA WalkerJabari Walker (Red) 0 0
PPWKE KesslerWalker Kessler (Gold) 0 0
PPJSO SochanJeremy Sochan (Gold) 0 0
PPKEL EllisKeon Ellis (Conference Logo) 0 0
PPJDU DurenJalen Duren (Red) 0 0
PPDDA DanielsDyson Daniels (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPKMU MurrayKeegan Murray (Conference Logo) 0 0
PPJWA WalkerJabari Walker 0 0
PPAWI WilliamsAlondes Williams 0 0
PPMBE BeauchampMarjon Beauchamp (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPCBR BraunChristian Braun 0 0
PPPBA BancheroPaolo Banchero (Red) 0 0
PPEJL LiddellE.J. Liddell 0 0
PPMBE BeauchampMarjon Beauchamp (Laundry Tag) 0 0
PPWE WesleyBlake Wesley (Brand Logo) 0 0
PPJHA HardyJaden Hardy (Red) 0 0 Buy
PPMBR BranhamMalaki Branham (Laundry Tag) 0 0
PPWKE KesslerWalker Kessler (Conference Logo) 0 0