2013 National Treasures Lasting Legacies Signature Material Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2013 National Treasures Lasting Legacies Signature Material Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
National Treasures Lasting Legacies Signature Material
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Prime, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
LL-UH HaslemUdonis Haslem (Prime) 0 0
LL-KJ Abdul-JabbarKareem Abdul-Jabbar (Prime) 0 0
LL-MJ JohnsonMagic Johnson 0 1
LL-EB BaylorElgin Baylor 0 0
LL-CM MullinChris Mullin 0 1
LL-GP PaytonGary Payton (Prime) 0 0
LL-EB BaylorElgin Baylor (Prime) 0 1
LL-KM MaloneKarl Malone 0 0
LL-HO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon (Prime) 0 0
LL-AH HorfordAl Horford (Prime) 0 0
LL-IT ThomasIsiah Thomas (Prime) 0 0
LL-LA AldridgeLaMarcus Aldridge 0 0
LL-LB BirdLarry Bird 0 1
LL-JD DumarsJoe Dumars (Prime) 0 0
LL-NC CollisonNick Collison 0 0
LL-JH HavlicekJohn Havlicek 0 0
LL-RP ParishRobert Parish 0 0
LL-JW WorthyJames Worthy 0 0
LL-BD DaughertyBrad Daugherty (Prime) 0 0
LL-SP PippenScottie Pippen 0 0
LL-KH McHaleKevin McHale 0 0
LL-BH HowellBailey Howell (Prime) 0 0
LL-TP ParkerTony Parker 0 0
LL-KJ Abdul-JabbarKareem Abdul-Jabbar 0 0
LL-KD DurantKevin Durant 0 0
LL-BK KingBernard King (Prime) 0 0
LL-KL LoveKevin Love 0 0
LL-MJ JohnsonMagic Johnson (Prime) 0 1
LL-GP PaytonGary Payton 0 0
LL-KD DurantKevin Durant (Prime) 0 0
LL-HO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon 0 0
LL-AH HorfordAl Horford 0 0
LL-IT ThomasIsiah Thomas 0 0
LL-KR RambisKurt Rambis 0 0
LL-LB BirdLarry Bird (Prime) 0 1
LL-JD DumarsJoe Dumars 0 0
LL-MP PriceMark Price 0 0
LL-TK KukocToni Kukoc 0 2
LL-NC CollisonNick Collison (Prime) 0 0
LL-JS StocktonJohn Stockton 0 0
LL-KB BryantKobe Bryant (Prime) 0 0
LL-SP PippenScottie Pippen (Prime) 0 0
LL-JW WorthyJames Worthy (Prime) 0 0
LL-BH HowellBailey Howell 0 0
LL-TC ChambersTom Chambers 0 0
LL-KH McHaleKevin McHale (Prime) 0 0
LL-BK KingBernard King 0 0