2012 Panini Immaculate Collection Autograph Patch Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2012 Panini Immaculate Collection Autograph Patch Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Immaculate Collection Autograph Patch
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Chinese Red, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
AP-TH HarrisTobias Harris (Chinese Red) 0 0 Buy
APAE EnglishAlex English (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-JE ErvingJulius Erving (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KI IrvingKyrie Irving 1 0
APJH HardenJames Harden (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-NV VucevicNikola Vucevic (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-JV ValanciunasJonas Valanciunas 0 0
AP-KD DurantKevin Durant (Chinese Red) 1 0
APLE LeonardKawhi Leonard (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-LW LowryKyle Lowry 0 0
AP-RJ JacksonReggie Jackson (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KS SinglerKyle Singler (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KB BryantKobe Bryant 1 1
AP-AO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon 0 0
AP-KB BryantKobe Bryant (Chinese Red) 1 1
AP-MH HarklessMaurice Harkless 0 0
AP-KI IrvingKyrie Irving (Chinese Red) 1 0
AP-BB BealBradley Beal (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-IT ThomasIsaiah Thomas 0 0
AP-MP PriceMark Price 0 0
AP-KL LeonardKawhi Leonard (Chinese Red) 1 0
AP-EJ JohnsonMagic Johnson 0 0
AP-DD DrummondAndre Drummond (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-LB BirdLarry Bird 0 1
AP-MU MullinChris Mullin (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-FE EzeliFestus Ezeli 0 0
AP-GH HillGrant Hill 0 0
AP-KT ThompsonKlay Thompson (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-RJ JacksonReggie Jackson 0 0
AP-TH HarrisTobias Harris 0 0
AP-KT ThompsonKlay Thompson 1 0
AP-SU SullingerJared Sullinger 0 0
AP-IG IguodalaAndre Iguodala (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-DD DrummondAndre Drummond 0 0
AP-TT ThompsonTristan Thompson (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KD DurantKevin Durant 1 0
AP-IH ThomasIsaiah Thomas (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-BG GriffinBlake Griffin 1 0
APDD DrummondAndre Drummond 0 0
AP-JS StocktonJohn Stockton (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-AB DavisAnthony Davis 0 0
APKW WalkerKemba Walker 0 0
AP-LW LowryKyle Lowry (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KA Abdul-JabbarKareem Abdul-Jabbar 0 1
AP-KS SinglerKyle Singler 0 0
AP-LE LeonardKawhi Leonard 1 0
AP-IG IguodalaAndre Iguodala 0 0
AP-FM MeloFab Melo 0 0
AP-IT ThomasIsaiah Thomas (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KW WalkerKemba Walker (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-KW WalkerKemba Walker 0 0
AP-AR RiversAustin Rivers 0 0
AP-MI MiddletonKhris Middleton 0 0
AP-MI MiddletonKhris Middleton (Chinese Red) 0 0 Buy
AP-SC CurryStephen Curry (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-DW WilkinsDominique Wilkins 0 0
AP-JE ErvingJulius Erving 0 1
AP-MU MullinChris Mullin 0 0
AP-BB BealBradley Beal 0 0
AP-EJ JohnsonMagic Johnson (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-AB DavisAnthony Davis (Chinese Red) 0 0
AP-CP ParsonsChandler Parsons 0 0
AP-PJ JonesPerry Jones 0 0
AP-JF FredetteJimmer Fredette 0 0
AP-JH HardenJames Harden 0 0
AP-TH HardawayTim Hardaway 0 0
AP-HB BarnesHarrison Barnes 0 0
AP-TT ThompsonTristan Thompson 0 0
AP-SA SacreRobert Sacre 0 0
APNV VucevicNikola Vucevic 0 0
AP-SC CurryStephen Curry 1 0
AP-IH ThomasIsaiah Thomas 0 0