2008 Upper Deck Game Jersey Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2008 Upper Deck Game Jersey Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Game Jersey
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GA-CB BoozerCarlos Boozer 0 0
GA-YM MingYao Ming 0 1
GA-IG IguodalaAndre Iguodala 0 0
GA-DN NowitzkiDirk Nowitzki 0 0
GA-PP PiercePaul Pierce 0 0
GA-TD DuncanTim Duncan 0 1
GA-CA AnthonyCarmelo Anthony 0 0
GA-BI BillupsChauncey Billups 0 0
GA-KB BryantKobe Bryant 1 1
GA-KG GarnettKevin Garnett 0 1
GA-BO BoshChris Bosh 0 0
GA-MG GinobiliManu Ginobili 0 1
GA-JA JamisonAntawn Jamison 0 0
GA-TM McGradyTracy McGrady 0 1
GA-DW WilliamsDeron Williams 0 0
GA-JR RichardsonJason Richardson 0 0
GA-JJ JohnsonJoe Johnson 0 0
GA-RW WallaceRasheed Wallace 0 0
GA-PA ParkerTony Parker 0 1 Buy
GA-AI IversonAllen Iverson 0 1
GA-JK KiddJason Kidd 0 1
GA-LJ JamesLeBron James 1 0 Buy
GA-LJ JamesLeBron James (Patches) 0 0
GA-SO O'NealShaquille O'Neal 0 1
GA-SM MarionShawn Marion 0 0