2017 Panini Immaculate Collection Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2017 Panini Immaculate Collection Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Immaculate Collection
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Red, Magenta Print Plate 1/1, Black Print Plate 1/1, Autograph Jersey, Platinum 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 RuthBabe Ruth 0 1
1 RuthBabe Ruth (Red) 1 1
7 MantleMickey Mantle 0 1
10 GomezLefty Gomez 0 1
12 ApplingLuke Appling (Platinum 1/1) 0 1
29 GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt (Red) 0 0
58 FulmerMichael Fulmer (Magenta Print Plate 1/1) 0 0
92 HarperBryce Harper (Black Print Plate 1/1) 0 0
106 GlasnowTyler Glasnow (Autograph Jersey) 0 0
113 JudgeAaron Judge (Autograph Jersey) 0 0
115 LopezReynaldo Lopez (Autograph Jersey) 0 0
118 RenfroeHunter Renfroe (Autograph Jersey) 0 0