Janoris Jenkins Football Cards

Janoris Jenkins Football Cards

Year    Set Name Card # Price Variation
2012 Panini Certified 275 Mirror Blue-Autograph
2012 Panini Certified 275 Mirror Red-Autograph
2012 Panini Contenders 144 Playoff Ticket-Autograph
2012 Panini Contenders 144 Autograph
2012 Panini Elite 115 Turn of the Century-Autograph
2012 Panini Gridiron 244 Signature X's
2012 Panini Playbook 116 Autograph
2012 Panini Prizm 268 Gold Prizm
2012 Panini Prizm Rookie Impact 16 Gold Prizm
2012 Topps 222
2012 Topps Chrome 128
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Gold Refractor
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Orange Refractor
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Purple Refractor
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Camouflage Refractor
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Xfractor
2012 Topps Chrome 128 Pink Refractor
2012 Topps Platinum 136 Xfractor
2012 Topps Platinum 136 Black Refractor
2012 Topps Platinum 136 1 Orange Refractor
2012 Topps Platinum 136 Autograph