1979 Topps the Black Hole Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1979 Topps the Black Hole Non-Sports Card Set

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Topps the Black Hole
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
WPB Wax Pack BoxWax Pack Box (36 packs) 0 0
WP Wax PackWax Pack 0 0
1 ChecklistChecklist #1-88 0 0
2 Captain Dan Holland 0 0
3 DR. Alex Durant 0 0
4 Kate McCrae and V.I.N.Cent. 0 0
5 Harry Booth 0 0
6 Recreational Break 0 0
7 Plotting A Star Course 0 0
8 The Holographic Image 0 0
9 LT. Charles Pizer 0 0
10 Force of the Black Hole 0 0
11 Repairing Damaged Devices 0 0
12 The Cygnus--- A Ghost Ship? 0 0
13 Approaching the Starcraft! 0 0
14 The Landing Platform 0 0
15 Deserted Passageway 0 0
16 In the Cygnus Air Car 0 0
17 Journey Across the Cygnus 0 0
18 Humanoid Creatures 0 0
19 Crew of Humanoids 0 0
20 Cygnus Command Center 0 0
21 Awesome Spectacle 0 0
22 Behold... Maximillian! 0 0
23 Instant Adversaries 0 0
24 The Enigmatic Host 0 0
25 Pizer Apprehended! 0 0
26 An Offer of Aid 0 0
27 A Truce...for Now! 0 0
28 B.O.B. 0 0
29 Courageous B.O.B. 0 0
30 Holland's Discovery 0 0
31 Burial in Space 0 0
32 The Limping Humanoid 0 0
33 DR. Hans Reinhardt 0 0
34 A Very Special Dinner 0 0
35 Captain S.T.A.R. 0 0
36 Sharpshooting Robot 0 0
37 Defeated By V.I.N.C.E.N.T. 0 0
38 Galactic Hospital 0 0
39 An Urgent Report! 0 0
40 Prepare to Enter the Black Hole! 0 0
41 A Genius, Not A Madman! 0 0
42 The Secret Revealed 0 0
43 Durant Under Attack! 0 0
44 The Fatal Blast 0 0
45 Death of A Scientist 0 0
46 Reinhardt's Scheme 0 0
47 Condemned to Living Death! 0 0
48 The Fear Chamber 0 0
49 Escorted By Robot Sentries 0 0
50 Kate's Cruel Fate! 0 0
51 Holland to the Rescue! 0 0
52 The Captain's Fight for Life! 0 0
53 Sneak Attack From B.O.B.! 0 0
54 The Victorious Holland 0 0
55 Kate... Unharmed! 0 0
56 Escape From the Hospital 0 0
57 Destination: the Black Hole! 0 0
58 The Warriors of Space 0 0
59 Ready for Action! 0 0
60 Powerful Laser Blast! 0 0
61 The Robot War 0 0
62 A Hidden V.I.N.Cent. 0 0
63 The Hydroponic Gardens 0 0
64 The Search Begins 0 0
65 Frozen Wasteland 0 0
66 Help US, B.O.B.! 0 0
67 The Deadly Plunge 0 0
68 Blasting the Enemy 0 0
69 Army of Evil 0 0
70 Dangerous Trek! 0 0
71 Kate's Unorthodox Escape! 0 0
72 All You'Ve Got,... 0 0
73 The Heroes at Bay 0 0
74 Power of the Enemy 0 0
75 Booth's Deception 0 0
76 Cowardly Act 0 0
77 Destruction of the Palomino 0 0
78 His World Torn Asunder! 0 0
79 Reinhardt's Folly 0 0
80 Death of A Mad Genius 0 0
81 Last Hope for Escape! 0 0
82 Metallic Monster 0 0
83 The Confrontation 0 0
84 Fate of the Cygnus 0 0
85 The Battle of the Nonhumans 0 0
86 Vanquished! 0 0
87 Escape to Infinity 0 0
88 The Mind's Eye 0 0