1992 Pro Set Super Bowl XXVII Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1992 Pro Set Super Bowl XXVII Football Card Set

Set Name:
Pro Set Super Bowl XXVII
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
HarperAlvin Harper 0 0
JonesRobert Jones 0 0
MarylandRussell Maryland 0 0
NewtonNate Newton 0 0
NovacekJay Novacek 0 0
AikmanTroy Aikman 0 1
SmithKevin Smith 0 0
BeuerleinSteve Beuerlein 0 0
ThomasThurman Thomas 0 0 Buy
Football ConferenceNational Football Conference 0 0
HaleyCharles Haley 0 0
JohnsonJimmy Johnson 0 0
LoftonJames Lofton 0 0
NewsreelNewsreel 0 0
NortonKen Norton 0 0
SmithEmmitt Smith 0 0
SmithBruce Smith 0 0
IrvinMichael Irvin 0 0
StepnoskiMark Stepnoski 0 0
CasillasTony Casillas 0 0
TolbertTony Tolbert 0 0
GantKenneth Gant 0 0