2012 Panini Innovation Rookie Innovative Ink Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2012 Panini Innovation Rookie Innovative Ink Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Innovation Rookie Innovative Ink
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Gold, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
5 BealBradley Beal 0 0
6 HarrisTobias Harris 0 0 Buy
8 FariedKenneth Faried 0 0
9 MarshallKendall Marshall 0 0
12 BarnesHarrison Barnes (Gold) 0 0
13 WalkerKemba Walker 0 0
13 WalkerKemba Walker (Gold) 0 0
14 BartonWill Barton 0 0
14 CurryStephen Curry (Gold) 0 0
16 FredetteJimmer Fredette 0 0
18 ScottMike Scott (Gold) 0 0
23 LeonardKawhi Leonard 0 0 Buy
23 LeonardKawhi Leonard (Gold) 1 0
25 DavisAnthony Davis (Gold) 0 0
25 DavisAnthony Davis 1 0
30 DrummondAndre Drummond 0 0
31 MiddletonKhris Middleton (Gold) 0 0
31 MiddletonKhris Middleton 0 0
32 ThomasIsaiah Thomas 0 0
40 SinglerKyle Singler 0 0
44 IrvingKyrie Irving (Gold) 0 0
44 IrvingKyrie Irving 0 0
56 ValanciunasJonas Valanciunas (Gold) 0 0