1950 Fischer's Bread for Health Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1950 Fischer's Bread for Health Basketball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
Fischer's Bread for Health
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 ArmstrongPaul Armstrong 0 0
2 BeardRalph Beard 0 0
3 BorylaVince Boryla 0 0
4 BudkoWalt Budko 0 0
5 CerviAl Cervi 0 0
6 DaviesBob Davies 0 1
7 EddelmanDike Eddelman 0 0
8 FerrinArnold Ferrin 0 0
9 FulksJoe Fulks 0 1
10 GallatinHarry Gallatin 0 0
11 GilmerCharles Gilmer 0 0
12 GrozaAlex Groza 0 0
13 HaleBruce Hale 0 0
14 HoffmannPaul Hoffmann 0 0
15 JeannetteBuddy Jeannette 0 0
16 KinneyBob Kinney 0 0
17 LavelliTony Lavelli 0 0
18 LivingstoneRonald Livingstone 0 0
19 McKinneyHorace McKinney 0 0
20 MiasekStan Miasek 0 0
21 MikanGeorge Mikan 0 1
22 PhillipAndy Phillip 0 1
23 RisenArnold Risen 0 0
24 SchausFred Schaus 0 0
25 ScolariFred Scolari 0 0
26 SeneskyGeorge Senesky 1 0
27 SeymourPaul Seymour 0 0
28 ShayesAdolph Shayes 0 0
29 SimmonsConnie Simmons 0 0
30 VanceGene Vance 0 0
31 WalkerBrady Walker 0 0
32 ZaslofskyMax Zaslofsky 0 0